How To Patiently Await To Receive More Money


Patience: The Unsung Hero of Your Financially Free Money Story.

My friend, I want to Thank You for reading this blog article.

You may be reading this because you may at times feel impatient and frustrated that you are not as wealthy, rich or financially free as you want to be. 

Today, you may feel Financial freedom and business success are calling your name, right? But although you have heard popular sayings like: "Good things take time," and "Patience is a virtue!" you may be frustrated that you are not feeling – or worse yet – seeing the evidence of financial freedom in your business. Let's be honest, between the endless scroll of overnight success stories and the pressure to "make it big" yesterday, patience can feel like a luxury we simply don't have. I understand how you feel because I have been there!
But here's the thing: who cares how many times we hear something if we're not truly listening? You might know "intellectually" that patience is a good thing, but what does that actually mean when it comes to building a thriving business and achieving financial freedom? Patience may be the missing ingredient in your recipe for success when it comes to manifesting the money you want.

Let's break it down:

• First of all, you may agree with me that becoming a well-known expert – like becoming financially free – can take some time. You wouldn't expect to become a master chef after scrambling a few eggs, would you? The same goes for your business. It takes consistent learning, practice, and refinement to develop the skills and knowledge that set you apart. Embrace the journey, celebrate small wins, and enjoy the process of becoming a true expert in your field.

• Success rarely happens overnight. Those viral success stories are just that - stories. Behind the scenes, there are years of dedication, countless setbacks, and unwavering perseverance. Patience allows you to weather the storms, learn from mistakes, and keep moving forward with a clear head.

• Financial freedom is a marathon, not a sprint. Building wealth requires discipline, smart strategies, and yes, you guessed it, patience. It's about making consistent, well-informed decisions that compound over time, not about chasing get-rich-quick schemes. Patience allows you to focus on building a sustainable financial foundation that will support you in the long run.

Here may be one of the often untold secrets of many “overnight successes” and wealthy business owners: delayed gratification. Many successful and wealthy business owners understand that short-term "sacrifices", like putting off a major purchase or diligently saving instead of splurging, and overspending lead to long-term gains like achieving financial freedom or building a thriving business.

What we want to do now is ditch the "get rich quick" mentality and embrace the power of patience. Celebrate the progress you make each day, learn from setbacks with grace, and trust the process. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, but with consistent effort and a healthy dose of patience, your business dreams can turn into a reality that empowers and excites you!

I would greatly appreciate you writing your thoughts and comments regarding this topic down below. 

Do you feel that you have patience with yourself and your manifesting your goals and intentions?

What helps you stay the course as you await the success that you are wanting and deserving of?

One of the things I do that helps me stay focused and have faith is my daily practice of the F.A.B. MoneyScripting™ Method.

Practicing the F.A.B. MoneyScripting™ Method as we await the arrival of more money is a powerful way to manifest financial freedom.

Here is what I have written regarding having patience using the F.A.B. MoneyScripting™ Method:

1. Feel:
I feel patience wash over me as I wait for the financial freedom that is mine now. I feel the presence of my SOURCE within, around, and everywhere in my life. I feel CERTAIN that I am deserving and worthy of financial freedom. Financial freedom is a feeling of being free, relaxed, joyful, and trusting. As such, I choose to feel that now. Feeling financially free precedes the monetary proof in my bank account. I believe that an abundance of money is on its way to me now. I am open and receptive to all that is mine by divine birthright.

2. Act:
I choose to act in faith. I choose to take simple, daily actions like practicing the F.A.B. MoneyScripting™ Method every day. This practice allows me to reframe and rewrite my limiting and negative moneyscripts into empowering and inspiring moneyscripts that align me with my fabulous financially free future self.

3. Be:
As I practice this method every day, I become the fabulous financially free woman that I intend to be.

By embracing the F.A.B. MoneyScripting™ Method, we cultivate patience, faith, and a sense of worthiness. This method empowers us to feel, act, and be in alignment with our financial goals, making the journey to financial freedom a fulfilling and joyful experience.

By the way, because I am very thankful that you have taken the time out of your busy schedule to actually read this blog article, write a comment down below or perhaps even share it with someone you know who may appreciate it, I want to invite you to BE MY GUEST at one of my upcoming events. Feel free to check out some of my upcoming speaking and training engagements and come for FREE.



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