Journaling: One of the Paths to Prosperity and Automatic Client Attraction

Evie Diaz Bizniversity®
Journaling: One of the Paths to Prosperity and Automatic Client Attraction

What if I told you that you can Attract the High-Paying clients you want simply by journaling?

Would you begin writing? Do you believe that it can happen?

Journaling can help you get really clear on who you want to work with. It can also help you uncover what stops you from attracting your ideal clients. It can be an enormously powerful and insightful tool that expedites your client attraction.

In my last email, I shared with you that I had invested in working with several seven-figure coaches, trainers, and entrepreneurs that I admire.

I decided to invest my time and money with these people because my intention is to be a seven-figure entrepreneur. How about you? Have you thought about being financially free?

When I was young, I thought about being wealthy.

I have not become financially free and wealthy to the degree that I want to yet because I have had several negative experiences in my life that derailed me from achieving that goal.

But because I am always working on myself, and...

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How to Position Your Business in This Time Of Disruption

How to Position Your Business in This Time Of Disruption

The Business Resiliency Strategy that will Drive Results


Whether your business has been directly impacted by the Coronavirus because you were forced to close it, or because like me, someone in your family has fallen ill and died from it, we have all been impacted in some way by the current situation.

You may agree that life is always changing, and it seems that as business owners we always must deal with change.

If at any time in your life, you had an experience like I did when I suffered a horrible illness that put me in the hospital for 9 days and resulted in me having a total financial breakdown due to an unsurmountable amount of medical bills, you may feel as I do: If you and I survived those situations we can survive this situation too.

You will agree that to succeed in business, we must have resiliency. Becoming an entrepreneur is synonymous with flexibility and the ability to bounce back.

At times, being a small...

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