An irresistible lead magnet is a juicy and compelling piece of content that captivates your ideal client prospect so much that they MUST have it.
You know you created the perfect lead magnet when your ideal prospect has no choice but to give their email to subscribe to your list because they want whatever it is your offering. They want it like a thirsty person wants water after walking hours in the dry desert.
When thinking about the experience you want to have your ideal client have when you offer it to them it is like a piece of the sweetest, most mouthwatering dark chocolate treat that I can offer you.
You can also think of it like a “FREE view” that you give out to entice them.
There are so many types of lead magnets that you can create.
For example, you can create a PDF as an eBook, a video, or a cheat sheet list of tips.
The idea is that people can only access this by opting-in to your lead magnet.
An irresistible lead magnet is your first step in the client-buyer journey – which is essential to creating a predictable selling system.
At this step, you are making them aware of the solution you have to their problem.
It is like a single person meeting a great potential love prospect at the checkout line of the grocery store and asking for their phone number. They must say something captivating so that the other person agrees to give up their number and be called upon.
You know if you are single that you will not just hand out your phone number to everyone who asks. That person must say something to incentivize you to hand your number over to them.
Similarly, if you want to create a successful lead magnet to attract prospects, you must create an irresistible offer if you want their email address.
Now you may be wondering what are great lead magnets and how do you create them?
To create an irresistible lead magnet, you must clearly define who your dream client is, and you must know what is one of the biggest problems they have for which you have a solution.
Then you must decide which solution is best and most attractive to them – and turn that into a lead magnet.
By the way, you can make an irresistible lead magnet in under 1 hour, it does not have to take you a long time. In my experience, one of the key factors to make it appealing is to write a headline that MUST be heard.
Be strategic. 😉
Now it is time to PROMOTE your lead magnet. You must promote your lead magnet and keep improving upon it to make sure it continues generating leads for your business.
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